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News: How To Plan The Ultimate Engagement Party (Aug/23)

A memorable engagement party sets the scene for your wedding.


Alexia Designs have put you together a short guide on How to Plan the Ultimate Engagement Party.



The location and venue


Hold it at the right time. We recommend holding it one to three months after the proposal if it’s going to be a long engagement, or six months before the wedding if it is to be a shorter engagement. 


Your wedding will likely be in a grand venue so it’s a good idea to stick to the small intimacy of your own home. Restaurants and bars also tend to have private rooms that can be rented out for the afternoon and evening - just make sure it is convenient for all of your guests to travel to. 



The guest list


You've got to nail the guest list: you want all your nearest and dearest there, but be mindful of the kind of wedding you are having. You don’t want to invite people you know you don’t want at the wedding



The decorations


The temptation may be to splash out early but, trust us, wait. Keep it low-key. You’ve got your wedding to go all-out with, so keep this relaxed and just a chance for your family and friends to get together to celebrate your exciting news. 


Set yourself a small budget and stick to it. You can save any big spending for the wedding itself –have a go at a bit of DIY, it could be good practice for your main event. Ask friends to help, as much as you can.




The food and drinks


If you’re providing food, leave the cake to your wedding and for a fun, sweet treat why not make your own afternoon tea.


Try a ‘ring’ theme to your food with mini ring cookies or vol-au-vents with sparkles on top will help set the theme for the day. 



Last but certainly not least….


What are you going to wear?


You could go for white as a reminder of the big day – just make sure you don’t overshadow your wedding dress! If you’re not opting for white, try either a spring pastel colour, or autumn jewel tone.


A cocktail dress is a safe bet, to see the full Blush by Alexia range click here. The groom should match his partner in formality, and if you have a specific dress code for guests, make sure it is included on the invitation.