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Alexia Bridesmaids
Alexia Juniors

News: Charlotte said Yes to this dress (May/10)

The Alexia Designs Team share their dream dress.
We would like to introduce our followers to Charlotte.
Charlotte is is part of our Accounts team at Alexia Designs HQ and loves all things vintage.

We asked Charlotte what her favourite Alexia wedding dress is and Charlotte has chosen to tell you about Style W438.

What do you love about the dress you have chosen? 
I love that it has a higher back, as I have a larger bust I feel I would be able to wear better undergarments that wouldn’t be as obvious.

2) Describe a wedding theme this style of dress would suit? 
It would suit a Gatsby themed wedding as I feel it is a vintage inspired dress.

3)What wedding theme do you love?
I love the vintage wedding theme. I think this style dress would work beautifully with an autumnal burgundy colour scheme. 

This soft lace gown with beaded spaghetti straps, scoop back and satin waistband, would look great teamed with Alexia Designs Bridesmaid dress Style 4252 complimenting wedding dress W438 with spaghetti straps and subtle beading.