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Alexia Bridesmaids
Alexia Juniors

News: Alexia Designs and Blush have had more Bridesmaid, Bridal and Prom Dress Designer Events than ever before. (Feb/25)

This year we have had a dramatic increase designer sample loans than ever before. Stockists of our prom & eveningwear dresses, both bridesmaids dresses and bridal dresses and have taken loans from our showroom up-to eight times a month since September, when we launched our new collections. These sample dresses have been used for a variety of events such as wedding fayres, fashion shows, exhibitions, and even to brighten up their stores.

When loaning out our samples the only thing we ask for is that the stockist cover our shipping costs. In return the samples can be loaned for a maximum of two weeks and we are more than happy to help out with any advertising of the event such as; social media posts, posting the event information on our website and telling third parties who we advertise with to also promote the events.

If you are an Alexia Designs or Blush stockist and would like to hold a Designer Event please contact us requesting a sample loan booking form.