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Alexia Bridesmaids
Alexia Juniors

News: The winning sketch from our design a bridesmaid dress competition has become the top selling bridesmaid dress. (Feb/25)

In July we ran a successful social media competition on Facebook. Here in the Alexia Designs UK Head Office we all designed a bridesmaid dress each. We then posted the designs on the Alexia Designs Facebook page & encouraged our fans to like the design they preferred.

The sketch with the most likes won the competition, and was then sent to two different factories to be produced. The winning sketch was designed by our Operations Manager, Jenna Whatmough. The different factories created their own interpretations of the dress. Both styles were then exhibited at The Harrogate Bridal Show in September where we asked our retailers at the show to choose the final piece, which would make the SS15 bridesmaid collection. The winning dress was style 4208.

Since launching this dress at The Harrogate Bridal Show this style has been the top selling Bridesmaid dress.

We listened to what both our consumer and shop owners wanted and this worked well in our favor. The competition worked so well we aim to run a similar campaign in time for The Harrogate Bridal Show again in September.