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News: Looking Forward to a Summer of Shows (Jul/12)

Here at Alexia Designs we’re gearing up for the beginning of buying season. This summer, we’ll be at three bridal trade shows, and we’re so excited!

First up is Nordic Bridal, in beautiful Malmo, Sweden. We’ll be flying to Copenhagen and travelling to Malmo for the show on the 30th and 31st of July. Nordic Bridal is a really beautiful and fun show, and we have some amazing stockists in the Baltic regions that we can’t wait to see.

Then we have the Bristol Bridal Roadshow on the 21st and 22nd of August. We’ve worked with the Bridal Roadshow team at the Dublin show earlier this year, and it was so much fun! The roadshows are a great way to get out and see our wonderful stockists without them having to travel all the way up to Leeds, and find some lovely new stores in the area.

Then there’s the big one – Harrogate Bridal, from the 11th-13th September. Harrogate is home turf for us, and it’s a huge show. We look forward to it all year, and it’s the most exciting show for us because our brand new collections will launch at Harrogate. We have some amazing styles coming out in our 2017 collection, and they’ll all be there to see at Harrogate!

Harrogate is also when Bridal Buyer hold their annual awards, and it’s an absolutely amazing night. This year, we're absolutely over the moon to have been selected as finalists in Best Occasionwear. Last year we won the Best Prom award, so keep your fingers crossed for us!

As you can see, it’s going to be an action-packed summer! We can’t wait to see all of our lovely stockists, and we’ll keep you all updated as we go.